Monday, August 1, 2011

Moby Dick

Call Me Shannon. Sorry, couldn’t resist. I have been promising myself that I would blog for a while now and I just couldn’t make myself do it. Any sense of an internal struggle and my mind goes into shut down mode. Yesterday, I was asked on a form how I deal with stress, and I replied, “Avoidance and Denial!” Probably NOT the answer she was looking for, but it was the honest to goodness truth. While that has served me well in the past, it’s time for a new strategy!
I was talking to my fabulous trainer, Megan, a while back and I told her I wanted to amp up my workouts. I wasn’t feeling happy with my fitness level and I’m still overweight.  She asked me how my food was going and I wanted to lie and say it was awesome and totally dialed in, but I couldn’t. It Sucks! My food intake SUUUUUCKS! Well, Megs just flat out told me that she wasn’t going to give me any kind of extra workouts, because it was a waste of both of our time (Um, OUCH! Truth hurts!). I can exercise until the cows come home, but if my food isn’t where it’s supposed to be it doesn’t do me any good (of course, it’s beneficial in other ways, just not for weight loss). I know this! Why is it so freaking hard?
Megan was correct when she said that food is my Moby Dick. I have gotten stronger and my fitness level has improved, but in all the time we’ve worked together, I have NEVER conquered the FOOD! I go through periods when I’m on the money and then something always happens. What is that something? Not enough preparation? Not making time for myself? Stress? Emotional Eating? Yes, all of that.
I’m not going to let this beat me anymore! So how am I going to change this situation? I am attacking this holistically. I am going to spend time improving all areas of my life, actually tuning in and dealing with the issues. It is time to harpoon this stupid whale! Stay tuned…

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