Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Whole 30 or Penance for the last two months

Happy 2013! I am so excited for the growth that is going to happen this year. I feel a huge shift waiting for me. I have changed so much over the last year and am finally participating in life, rather than letting life happen to me. I'm taking charge of my health and actively seeking healing. This year is going to involve a lot of healing and letting go, as well as learning and having FUN!

In the title I said, "penance". I don't really mean that. I have drastically changed the way I eat and lately have been moving more and more towards a paleo lifestyle. I love the way I feel, perform and I love that my face looks amazing when I eat this way. With that said, in November things took a turn for the worst. My uncle got sick and I got out of my routine and was eating hospital food, which is so unhealthy BTW! (How could a hospital not have gluten free food?!?!) Then I got really sick and had to take antibiotics and steroids, never a good combo for me. Throw in a back and hip injury and it was just down right disasterous! Then it was Christmas and I just let myself eat what I wanted. I didn't punish myself. Everything I ate, I enjoyed. However, now I feel like CRAP! My face is broken out. I gained like 10 lbs. I'm bloated and I just overall feel gross. This leads me to the Whole 30.

What is it? It is basically eating strict paleo (No gluten, no grains, no dairy) for 30 days with no sugar. No Paleo-fying foods either (paleo cupcakes, paleo pizza, etc.), or No Sex With Your Pants On as the whole9 creators like to say! This is a natural detox for your body. I am on day two and starting to deal with some detox symptoms already, but all is well. I know this is GOOD for my body.

The best part about this Whole 30 is that my whole gym is doing it. I have as much support as I could ever need! It is exciting to do this as a group. I love the camaraderie, the recipe sharing, the togetherness, the community!

I forgot to mention my whole family is doing it too. I'm hoping Jon will see a difference in his cholesterol levels, the boys will notice a decrease in their adhd symptoms and their complexions will improve. I've had some opposition, but I'm hoping to make it fun and exciting.

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